
Jeffrey A. Clark
Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex) is President and Co-Founder of ACLARK.NET, LLC. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science from Loyola University in Maryland. He brings extensive, professional technical experience and expertise to ACLARK.NET LLC. Since 1998, Alex has been a Subject Matter Expert, Network Engineer, Software Engineer, Systems Administrator and Technical Team Leader.
Alex Clark is the President & Executive Director of DC Python, a non-profit organization he co-founded in 2008 to promote and support the use of Python software in the Washington, D.C. area and beyond.

Amy Clark
Amy Clark is Director of Operations and Co-Founder of ACLARK.NET, LLC. She brings many years of professional sales, marketing, business management, and administrative knowledge and experience to the ACLARK.NET, LLC team. She ensures seamless, uncomplicated engagement of our services.
Amy is the Secretary and Treasurer of ZPUGDC, INC.- DC Python, a non-profit organization she co-founded in 2008 to promote and support Python and open source software.
Additional Developers
The ACLARK.NET, LLC. in-house development team includes talented professionals with technical expertise in areas of UI/UX, Cloud Management, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
We created the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, ZPUGDC, Inc. (DC Python) in 2008 to expand our efforts, outreach and to give back to the users and supporters of open source technology. The organization's primary focus is serving the members of the Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia Python and open-source software community. However, our support also extends to a much larger scope of open-source technology efforts, worldwide. Among our most significant global contributions was the organization and hosting of The International Plone Conference 2008.
We maintain our leadership in the organization today, ensuring that DC Python's commitment to its mission continues.

Plone 3.3 Site Administration
In this book Alex Clark helps Plone users to create, deploy, and maintain all versions of Plone up to and including the latest version.
The text covers Plone basics from a site administrator's perspective including (but not limited to) instructions on how to:
- Learn the use of Buildout to develop, deploy, and maintain a modern Plone site.
- Enhance the functionality and appearance of your web site by using third-party add-ons.
- Learn to use many useful Buildout recipes available to download from the Python Package Index.